Machinery suppliers eventually has to be a consultant to choose the appropriate machine for the customer. Machines need to be customized as per the use and necessity of the customer. The best machine can fail if it does not get customized for the required purposes.
We provide consultancy in the following ways:

Concrete Batching Plant: Capacity design with practical needs. Accommodation of the plant in narrow and difficult places.

Concrete Pump: It is mainly produced for concrete pumping. But in some cases, it might require different kinds of users like vertical and horizontal uses, even for different kinds of materials pumping like mortar, colloid, and sewage waste. Here consultancy means solution provided for using of the machines by taking customization, location, and situation into consideration.

Works for extraordinary Machine

Technology Localizing

Our Research & Development team is working to convert global technology by providing local available devices and materials. Or sometimes supporting by localizing technology in a production line which has been imported including giving service to a machine which has no availability of manufacturer’s service.
supplying extra ordinary machinarie-B

Rental Services

Rental support for Virtual Construction Ltd.

Our sister concern Virtual Construction Ltd mainly purchases machinery from M/s. Concrete Technology. For the idle machine of Virtual Construction Ltd. Concrete Technology is working as their contact point.

Success Story

Critical Pumping success

As a solution provider Concrete Technology has bagged great success in customizing and localizing the technology for conveying concrete crossing river 500 meters horizontally for Mahananda river Chapai-Nawabganj by using locally available material and manpower.

Thereafter so many companies followed the same solutions without stopping the river’s flow.